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- Portret op verzoek
voorwaarden Algemene Voorwaarden Tess Anders - Kunstdocent 1. Algemeen Deze algemene voorwaarden zijn van toepassing op alle diensten van Tess Anders als kunstdocent, geleverd aan scholen en instanties. Door gebruik te maken van mijn diensten gaat de opdrachtgever akkoord met deze voorwaarden. 2. Lesvoorwaarden De lessen worden uitsluitend gegeven aan leerlingen van de betrokken school of instantie. De school draagt zorg voor een geschikte lesruimte en basisbenodigdheden (zoals tafels, stoelen en toegang tot een smart board). Indien een van de genoemde benodigdheden niet aanwezig is, behoud ik mij het recht voor de les te annuleren zonder restitutie. Eventuele speciale wensen of thema’s dienen minimaal twee weken van tevoren per mail te worden afgestemd. 3. Tarieven en Betalingen Het tarief bedraagt €65 per uur inclusief door Tess Anders geleverde materialen. Er geldt een minimumafname van drie uur per dag. Facturen dienen binnen 14 dagen na ontvangst te worden voldaan. Bij te late betaling wordt een herinneringsmail verstuurd en kunnen administratiekosten in rekening worden gebracht. Alle tarieven zijn exclusief reis en parkeerkosten, tenzij anders overeengekomen. Zo ook de voorbereidingstijd. Indien nodig wordt voorbereidingstijd berekend op basis van de aard van de opdracht. 4. Annulering Annulering van een les of workshop dient minimaal 24 uur van tevoren schriftelijk te worden gemeld. Bij annulering binnen 24 uur wordt 50% van de kosten in rekening gebracht. Bij annulering zonder melding of op de dag zelf wordt 100% van de kosten in rekening gebracht. 5. Aansprakelijkheid Tess Anders is niet aansprakelijk voor schade aan eigendommen van de school, leerlingen of derden, tenzij sprake is van opzet of grove nalatigheid. De school is verantwoordelijk voor het gedrag van de leerlingen tijdens de lessen. Bij schade aan eigendommen of materialen van Tess Anders door toedoen van leerlingen, worden de kosten in rekening gebracht bij de school. 6. Leerlingen en Gedrag Als kunstdocent zorg ik voor een inspirerende en gestructureerde lesomgeving waarin leerlingen worden gestimuleerd om actief deel te nemen en instructies op te volgen. De school blijft echter verantwoordelijk voor het bieden van ondersteuning bij het handhaven van discipline en het aanspreken van leerlingen bij structureel storend gedrag. Bij ernstig en/of aanhoudend storend gedrag of het niet opvolgen van instructies behoudt Tess Anders zich het recht om leerlingen de klas uit te sturen of om voor de les voortijdig te beëindigen, zonder restitutie. 7. Overmacht In geval van overmacht (zoals ziekte, weersomstandigheden of andere onvoorziene omstandigheden) behoudt Tess Anders zich het recht voor de les te verzetten of te annuleren. Eventueel betaalde kosten worden in dat geval gerestitueerd of verrekend. 8. Intellectueel Eigendom Alle lesmaterialen, ontwerpen en concepten die door Tess Anders worden geleverd, blijven eigendom van Tess Anders en mogen niet zonder toestemming worden gereproduceerd of verspreid. 9. Geschillen Bij geschillen streven beide partijen naar een oplossing in onderling overleg. Indien dit niet lukt, is de Nederlandse wet van toepassing en kan het geschil worden voorgelegd aan de bevoegde rechter in Den Haag. 10. Zelfstandigheid Tess Anders werkt als zelfstandig ondernemer en voert de werkzaamheden uit in eigen naam en voor eigen rekening en risico. Er is geen sprake van een arbeidsovereenkomst tussen Tess Anders en de opdrachtgever. De opdrachtgever heeft geen gezagsverhouding over Tess Anders; de werkzaamheden worden zelfstandig uitgevoerd binnen de overeengekomen kaders. 11. Overeenkomst van Opdracht De samenwerking tussen Tess Anders en de opdrachtgever wordt vastgelegd in een schriftelijke overeenkomst van opdracht, waarin de aard van de werkzaamheden en wederzijdse verplichtingen worden beschreven. Deze overeenkomst bevestigt dat Tess Anders als opdrachtnemer werkt en dat er geen sprake is van een dienstverband. Bij opdrachten op scholen, waarbij ik gedurende een langere periode of op vaste dagen (bijvoorbeeld wekelijks) werkzaamheden verricht, wordt dit beschouwd als een flexibele en tijdelijke samenwerking. Deze samenwerking is gebaseerd op projectmatige opdrachten en een praktische overeenkomst m.b.t. het eventuele vaste lesrooster van de leerlingen. 12. Vrijheid in Uitvoering Tess Anders behoudt volledige vrijheid in de wijze waarop de werkzaamheden worden uitgevoerd, binnen de overeengekomen richtlijnen en doelen. De opdrachtgever kan uitsluitend afspraken maken over het eindresultaat en de planning, maar niet over de uitvoering zelf. 13. Belastingen en Sociale Zekerheid Tess Anders is zelf verantwoordelijk voor het betalen van belastingen, premies sociale verzekeringen en pensioenvoorzieningen. De opdrachtgever draagt geen loonbelasting of sociale premies af en heeft geen verplichtingen met betrekking tot vakantiegeld, vakantiedagen of andere arbeidsvoorwaarden. 14. Geen Exclusiviteit Tess Anders behoudt het recht om diensten aan te bieden aan andere opdrachtgevers. Er is geen sprake van exclusiviteit of verplichting om alleen voor de opdrachtgever te werken.
- Kunstenaar Tess Anders
artist TESS Anders artist, self-taught & storyteller Raised in picturesque Haarlem and coming from a family steeped in creativity, art was not a choice for Tess, but her destiny. She breathes art, as she has her whole life. When she was barely eight years old, it was the drawing lessons of her father, a gifted artist himself, that guided her first steps into the world of art. Tess, who graduated from Art & Design in Amsterdam in 2011, but who classifies herself as an autodidact, has shaped her passion and talent in an impressive way. She has participated in renowned art programs, including 'De Nieuwe Vermeer', her work visible on 'Kunst of Kitsch' and 'Sterren op het doek', where she started to make her unique mark on the art world. Her portraits embody the Dutch tradition of portraiture, but she always adds her own unique twist. Her creations, whether realistic oil paintings or drawings, often contain an abstract or decorated twist. The constant theme in her work is the human being and the urge to decorate it or capture the expression of human behavior in a portrait. ''I find satisfaction in adorning the face, a reflection of the human being itself with desires, growth and shortcomings. My work highlights the beauty and femininity in our diverse society.'' In addition to her free work, ranging from sketches to watercolors and oil paintings, Tess regularly creates commissioned portraits. Here you can have a special and unique portrait painted or drawn, with or without personal additions. Every year she organizes exhibitions and participates in renowned art fairs such as the Affordable Art Fair and the First Art Fair. Don't miss any event and sign up for her newsletter! Tess is not only a master in the world of art; she shares her passion with children by giving various creative workshops every week. To pass on the experience as she has experienced it. Besides her artistry, Tess is also a professional make-up artist for photoshoots, events, and she gives Masterclasses. ''The more unwearable and artistic the makeup, the better.'' She worked for MAC Cosmetics for many years and remains loyal to MAC products. Tess embodies originality and brings that little bit of 'DIFFERENT' to everything she does. Portfolio
- Make up laten doen
Make-up artist Are you looking for a professional Make-up Artist? My name is Tess Anders, and I have been active as a MUA since 2012. For several years I was part of the team at MAC Cosmetics. My experience includes various events, including artistic photoshoots, magazines, party looks, bodypaint and fitness competitions, both for corporate clients and individuals. In addition, I have provided masterclasses at the Mac Flagship Store in The Hague over the years, including collaborations with the Dutch Visagie School. From natural 'make-up, but no make-up' looks to daring ART creations. From a radiant, healthy complexion to an abundance of glitter; I master every style to create the perfect make-up that seamlessly matches your wishes and creates a unique look. I only use Mac Cosmetics products and provide all necessary materials. If you are interested in the possibilities of hiring my services, I invite you to fill out the contact form by clicking on the lips. I look forward to hearing from you."
- Portret laten schilderen
Have a portrait painted Each oil portrait is a unique creative journey. Here is a glimpse into the personal process in 9 steps: Step 1: Inspiration and Vision Our journey begins with an inspiring conversation where your vision and ideas are central. I want to understand the essence of your portrait. Step 2: Pricing Commissioning a portrait painting is a special and lasting choice, imbued with carefully spent time and artistic experience. The price of your personal portrait depends on various factors, including the size of the canvas, the number of people depicted, the possible addition of a specific concept, and the refinement of the background details. You are cordially invited to contact me for a free, tailor-made consultation. Step 3: Quality Materials I carefully choose the highest quality materials including fine oil paints, brushes and linen canvas to ensure your artwork is durable and timeless. Step 4: Photography or Session We work together to select the best high quality photos for reference or, if you prefer, we schedule a personal session to capture a new photo. The most important requirement is that I can zoom in completely and still see clear details. Arjen ''Everyone who has seen the painting is speechless at how real it is... More real than a photo of him. The family is eternally grateful to you for wanting to make this for us.'' Step 5: Sketching, Composition & Concept After possibly having established a concept with approval, I start sketching the portrait to accurately capture the composition and proportions. Step 6: Color and Texture Then I paint, layer by layer to create depth, texture and the right colors. Step 7: Refinement and Details Details such as the eyes, skin tones and facial expressions are given special attention for a lifelike result. Step 8: Drying and Protection The painting is carefully dried for at least two weeks before I finish it with a temporary protection. After 8 to 12 months, the final varnish layer can be applied for durability. After the indicated waiting time, you can make an appointment at my studio at home. This extra service is included. Step 9: Handover and Satisfaction After completion I will hand you the artwork. This can be sent or picked up personally. You will be kept informed of the process and the result. I am only satisfied when the right recognition and emotion is released in you. For me, painting an oil portrait is a passionate process in which I combine craftsmanship and creativity to capture your emotions and memories in a unique and lasting way. Click on the pencil to get in touch. Sample price format 40 x 30 cm From €1500,- 60 x 50 cm from €2400,- 100 x 80 cm from €3700,- The above prices are based on one portrait with a quiet background and excluding 9% VAT
- Portret laten schilderen
Welcome to the official website of Tess Anders. Tess Anders is a professional artist based in The Hague, with a successful completed study of Art & Design in Amsterdam since 2011. Although she developed her creative skills self-taught, her passion for art was instilled in her from an entirely creative family. With a love for oil portrait painting, drawing portraits and artistic make-up, Tess fills her days with artistic expression. Browse the menu to discover more about every facet of her artistic world. have a portrait painted Welcome Welcome Welcome The latest news I started a Youtube Channel! Here I share my work in the field of art, media, and make-up. This channel is my digital portfolio, where I give you a glimpse into my creative projects and collaborations. What you can see here: Art projects and exhibitions: my works and the stories behind them, as well as exclusive images from exhibitions. TV appearances and media moments: my contributions to projects such as Sterren op het Doek and other TV experiences. Make-up assignments and artistic looks: from special make-up projects to the boundary between make-up and art. Subscribe to stay up to date with my latest projects and collaborations! Have a portrait painted or drawn Are you looking for a unique and personal work of art that captures the emotion of the moment? Tess is all about creating beautiful portraits that bring your memories to life, whether it's of a loved one, a business gift or a pet. As a passionate and dedicated artist, I deliver high-quality oil paintings and drawn portraits that are made with love and attention. Click on the pencil for more information about having a portrait made, the process and the prices. Watch episode 1/9 Collections Collections Collections Explore the extensive gallery with all the individual collections here. View and admire the unique creations and works of art belonging to each specific collection. Mask Sparkle coming soon! Beautifully Chaotic hire a make-up artist Are you considering professional makeup for a photo shoot, special occasion, wedding, or film shoot? The possibilities are versatile, ranging from a soft glamour look to daring body paint creations. Click on the eye for more information.
- Media
media 2019 Ingrid Baars expositie x Fleur Ouwekerk Art performance Videoclip (art make-up) 2020 'Kitsch of Kunst' LINDATV | Fajah Lourens | kunstcollectie & vermelding 2020 Indebuurt Den Haag | interview | bewoner van de week 2020 Hague Magazine | Mode uit de hofstad | profiel artikel 2020 Femizine | interview | woman on a mission 2020 Marika Magazine | Tess Anders me,myself & glamour 2021 INTRA magazine Londen | profiel artikel 2021 IET music | Time to overcome videoclip (art make-up) 2021 Indebuurt Den Haag | expositie SPARKLE 2021 Indebuurt Den Haag | The Hague Fashionweek | Expositie Moderoute 2021 DHC krant | talent vermelding | Allan Vos THFW directeur interview 2022 KRO NCRV BinnensteBuiten | vintage interieur Joke | 3 kunstwerken te zien 2022 Omroep West TV | artiest interview tijdens Maison Maysa event/expostie SPARKLE 2022 Couch Magazin Duitsland | Sprinkelhop interieur | Kunstcollectie & omschrijving 2023 Hague Magazine | The fashionweek | Alex in Wonderland 2023 Jhilani Wijsman music | Hele Dame videoclip (art make-up) 2023 AD | Kijktip: Deze Haagse kunstenaar is te zien in De Nieuwe Vermeer | Foto 2023 De Nieuwe Vermeer NPO1 | Het Zelfportret aflevering 6 | één van de finalisten 2023 VTwonen | Sprinkelhop interieur | Kunstcollectie & omschrijving 2023 FF Buurten Regio TV | video interview 2023 SVJ media | interview artikel 2023 Sterren op het doek | NPO2 | Olcay Gulsen | 2e aflevering 2023 Indebuurt Den Haag | Kijktip: Deze Haagse kunstenaar is te zien in Sterren op het doek | Foto 2024 LEVEN! Magazine | vintage interieur | kunstwerken te zien beeld kunstinzicht printler nook kavyar kavyar
- Portret op verzoek
Art class About Me as an Art Teacher With a background in Art & Design and years of experience as a professional artist, I share my passion for art through interactive and inspiring lessons. Since 2022, I have been active as an art teacher through schools and institutions in The Hague. My lessons combine creative freedom, techniques and art history to help students discover their talents and express themselves artistically. My Approach I start each lesson with a board or PowerPoint presentation in which I offer inspiration with images, art history and examples of great masters. I explain the technique or theme of the day and ask questions to stimulate students to think about art and their own interpretations. After this introduction, I guide the students in their own creative process, giving personal attention to develop their unique talents. A lesson usually lasts 60 to 90 minutes, and I can teach up to five classes in a row. This allows me to differentiate by age and level, so that the lesson remains understandable and fun for groups from group 4 to group 8. In this way, the entire middle and upper grades can receive the same lesson in one day, adapted to their level. Offer I offer art classes and workshops for both primary and secondary schools. I focus on creative freedom and personal interpretations, techniques such as light and shadow, paper mache and clay, and themes such as painting masters and art movements. My offer also includes stop motion projects and learning to draw portraits, art history and stylistic drawing, and challenging projects such as still lifes and mixed media. In addition, I offer special workshops such as clay and paper mache making and thematic projects on demand. painting masters Discover the techniques and inspiration of famous masters like Van Gogh, Picasso or Salvador Dali. Learn to paint in their style and discover how to apply your own creativity. art movements Explore the different art movements through the ages, from Impressionism to Modernism. Learn how art styles have influenced the world and create your own interpretation. Drawing portrait Develop skills to draw faces realistically or abstractly. Learn techniques for proportion, expression and detail that will bring your portraits to life. stop motion Dive into the world of animation and bring stories to life. Create short films with simple techniques and have fun in this dynamic process. ( phones or ipads not included ) Light & shadow Discover how light and shadow add depth and drama to art. Experiment with different light sources and create powerful compositions. perspective Learn how to capture a three-dimensional world on paper. Discover the secrets of vanishing points and line play to create realistic spatiality. Clay Bring your creativity to life in 3D with clay. From figurines to utensils, discover how to create shapes and add textures. paper mache Build unique sculptures with paper mache. Learn how to transform layers of paper into strong, expressive works of art. delft blue tile Design and paint your own Delft blue tile. Be inspired by classic patterns and add a modern twist to this traditional craft. Practical Information I work exclusively for schools and institutions in The Hague. My rate is €65 per hour including my own materials. There is a minimum of 3 hours per day. This provides a more in-depth learning experience and makes my work as an art teacher profitable. For extensive projects, additional preparation time and material costs can be charged, which will be agreed in advance. Experience and Projects Since 2022 I have been working as an art teacher through schools and institutions. Before that I gave private drawing and painting lessons to all ages. My participation in TV programs such as Sterren op het Doek, De Nieuwe Vermeer and that I have exhibited in the CoBrA museum I use to convey art in an accessible and inspiring way. Why Choose Tess Anders? My classes are interactive, using PowerPoints and inspirational materials to make art history and techniques accessible and engaging. As an artist, I bring real-world experience directly into the classroom, encouraging creative freedom and fostering personal expression and self-confidence in students. Click on the pencil to get in touch. Terms and Conditions
- Portret laten tekenen
Have a portrait drawn Each pencil portrait is a unique creative journey. Here's a glimpse into the personal 8-step process: Step 1: Inspiration and Vision Our journey begins with an inspiring conversation where your vision and ideas are central. I want to understand the essence of your portrait. Step 2: Pricing Commissioning a drawn portrait is a special and lasting choice, imbued with carefully spent time and artistic experience. The price of your personal portrait depends on various factors, including the size of the paper, the number of people depicted, the possible addition of a specific concept, and the refinement of the background details. You are cordially invited to contact me for a free, tailor-made advice. Step 3: Quality Materials I carefully choose the highest quality materials and premium paper, to ensure that your artwork is as durable and timeless as possible. Step 4: Photography or Session We work together to select the best high quality photos for reference or if you prefer we can schedule a personal session to capture a new photo. The most important requirement is that I can zoom in completely and still see clear details. Step 5: Sketching, Composition & Concept After possibly having established a concept with approval, I start drawing the portrait to accurately capture the composition and proportions. Step 6: Color and Texture Then I add color if necessary or I use watercolor or acrylic paint to accentuate details. Step 7: Refinement and Details Details such as the eyes, skin tones and facial expressions are given special attention for a lifelike result. Step 9: Handover and Satisfaction After completion I will hand you the artwork. This can be sent or picked up personally. You will be kept informed of the process and the result. I am only satisfied when the right recognition and emotion is released in you. For me, drawing a portrait is a passionate process in which I combine craftsmanship and creativity to capture your emotions and memories in a unique and lasting way. Click on the pencil to get in touch.
- Portret op verzoek
This exciting collection of paintings enters the dazzling world of cosmetics, beauty and self-expression. The artist, with a rich history as a make-up artist for one of the most prestigious brands, brings her own creative vision to life in these beautiful works. With eyes full of wonder she looked at the splendor and magnificence from a young age, like a magpie reacting to glitter and shine. Her inspiration also comes from the magic of films such as the mermaids of Hook 1991 and the world of Haute Couture, in which the boundaries of imagination are pushed. Each painting celebrates the colorful diversity of women and highlights the beauty of different ethnic backgrounds. The makeup looks and jewelry in the works are inspired by own creations and personal experiences. The collection is a vibrant celebration of the power, beauty and creativity of women. It sparkles with sparkling details and invites the viewer to embrace the glittering world of self-adornment and glamour.
- Portret op verzoek
This collection of paintings embraces the complex fabric of human emotions and experiences. The portraits reveal the subtleties of wearing masks in our daily lives, in which we sometimes hide our true selves. Tess Anders also exposes the hidden habits that we mask behind apparent perfection. Each aesthetic portrait tells a personal story, illuminating the journey of inner growth and life lessons. The backgrounds are imbued with symbolism and depict the various paths we walk in search of our true self. This collection challenges us to look behind the masks, reveal our hidden habits and appreciate the rich, deep learning processes that have shaped us into who we are.
- Portret op verzoek
have a portrait painted or drawn Tess Anders Are you looking for a unique and personal piece of art that captures the beauty of the moment? Tess Anders is all about creating beautiful portraits that bring your memories to life, whether it is of a loved one, a business gift or a pet. As a passionate and dedicated individual artist, I deliver high-quality oil paintings and drawn portraits that are made with love and attention. What makes my work special: • Unique Customization: Each portrait is personally created to fully express your vision. I work closely with you to ensure every detail meets your expectations. • My dedication: As a solo artist, I am fully committed to delivering the highest quality artwork. Every painting and drawing reflects my passion for my craft. • Highest Quality Materials: I use only the best materials, whether it's premium oil paints or professional drawing supplies, to ensure your portrait becomes a valuable work of art. • Personal service: I value your satisfaction and work closely with you throughout the creative process so that your artwork becomes a lasting memory. Click on the medium of your choice to see the full gallery of examples of my portraits and contact me to discuss how I can create a unique work of art for you. Tess is all about capturing the essence of what matters most to you. oil painting portrait pencil portrait
- Portret op verzoek
COLLECTIONS Mask Welcome to this versatile collection of free paintings, drawings and portraits made on request. The free artworks are all mixed media, enriched with three-dimensional elements and vary in a wide range of formats. Do you have a question about a specific artwork or would you like to view the artworks in person? I am ready to answer all your questions and arrange a personal meeting with my artworks. Click on the pencil to contact me without obligation. Sparkle coming soon! Beautifully Chaotic Have a portrait made